RemoteWell Pro/Ultra/Hybrid/VFD

only voltage monitoring with RW features/3phase

3 Phase energy monitoring with native RW features

No LCD all indications are exhibits via LED's

3 Phase + DC Solar

only voltage monitoring with RW features/3phase


VFD Controlling

Having all the RW-Ultra Features

DC Solar

VFD controlling only with solar

Having all the RW-Pro features


Features RemoteWell Pro RemoteWell Ultra RemoteWell Hybrid RemoteWell VFD RemoteWell 3Plus RemoteWell 1Plus
On/Off by application
Auto Mode
Enable or Disable Safety modes on fault detection
Phase Safety modes
Over and Under Voltage
Configurable over and under voltage limits
Phase angle/sequence detection and protection
Trip status
Phase lost detection
Maintenance Mode
Online and Offline Histories
Buzzer Notification
Wifi Powered
Configurable Wifi
All phases Voltage monitoring
Smart switch for controlling one load upto 5Amp
3 Phase Energy monitoring module
3 Phase Energy monitoring module
VFD Control and monitoring
3 Phase + DC Solar
Utility + Solar power blending
DC Solar only
Current, Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent Power, Voltage monitoring
Error and Warnings in power line
OLED for indications of wifi, network, errors
Scroll buttons for switching between screens and errors screens

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